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About Krysalis - Private Neurological Occupational Therapists

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Neuro Rehabilitation Services | Krysalis | Salisbury UK

Neurological Occupational Therapists | Krysalis Consultancy

Neuro Rehabilitation Plans & Assessments | Krysalis UK

Education & Training for Occupational Therapy | Krysalis

Mental Capacity Assessments | Krysalis Consultancy

Behavioural Rehabilitation | Krysalis Consultancy UK

Vocational Rehabilitation Services | Krysalis Consultancy

Neurological Disability Equipment | Krysalis Consultancy

Independent Living Skills | Krysalis Consultancy UK

What we do

Neuro OT: A Guide

Occupational Therapy - A History

Chris and Denise

Neuro OT in context

Neuro OT in Practice


We are widely acknowledged as the UK's leading neurological occupational therapy consultancy, we have specialist neurological occupational therapists covering over 90% of the united kingdom  - featured location pages all across the UK will follow soon...

Bristol occupational therapy services

Devon and Exeter occupational therapy services

Wiltshire occupational therapy services

Birmingham occupational therapy services

Cambridgeshire occupational therapy services

Essex Occupational Therapy Services

Case - studies

Penny and George

Chris and Denise

Meet Ronny

Events Calendar

Our 'whats on' monthly update is the place to go for all the latest events links relating to ABI, brain injury, rehabilitation, neurological and occupational therapy. You can read the latest here: News | Krysalis

Featured Articles

For our latest articles and news please visit our talking heads pages here: Talking Heads.

Talking heads

We are passionate about occupational therapy and neurological rehabilitation. ‘Talking heads’ is a means of bringing together individuals and professionals interested in brain injury. The blogs, stories, films, current research and news items aim to inform and spark moments of inspiration, reflections and points of discussion.

Follow us and share your opinions and insights on social media using #talkingheads. If you are passionate about occupational therapy and neurological rehabilitation, or have been affected by brain injury, come on in and join the conversation.

What the experts say - essential tips and advice from the experts to help you cope with stress and anxiety during the pandemic

BBC Backs our brain injury survivors NHS face shield campaign

Covid 19, Brain injury and me - Diary of an ABI survivor - part one

200 activities for brain injury survivors and their families!

20 apps to boost brain injury rehabilitation

Diary of a brain injury survivor - part six

Video gaming could stimulate six of the brains cognitive functions and provide a timely tool for neuro OT

Covid-19, brain injury and me: a diary of an ABI survivor - Part five

Helping brain injury survivors stay in touch using video during the pandemic

Six ways to help someone with a brain injury stop touching their face during the Covid-19 pandemic.

New UK forum to draw up Covid-19 safety advice for people with a brain injury

How can self-employed neuro OTs financially support their families during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Safe-guarding neuro occupational therapy provision during the coronavirus pandemic. 

Providing neuro occupational therapy as a remote support service during the coronavirus pandemic.

Re-claiming life after brain injury

Equine therapy Q and A

Loneliness post brain injury - How neuro occupational therapy can help combat loneliness

How Neuro OT transformed me four years after a brain injury

Ronny Part 1

Ronny Part 2

Ronny Part 3

Fatigue and Traumatic Brain Injury 

Activity after injury may help recovery

Brain Anatomy – What are Chiari Malformations?

Brain injury pain management and occupational therapy

World Patient Safety Day - Neurological OT & safeguarding brain injury survivors.

NHS My Therappy List

Epileptic seizures and brain injury

Neuro Rehab - is it a moral right?

Reflecting on the ‘lived experience’ of stroke survivors 

Brain injury news in short

RCOT Publish: Exploring an individual’s dynamic, ever-evolving experience of their day-to-day life following acquired brain injury

Nutrition and rehabilitation

Occupational Therapy Heroes 2019

Nutrition and diet following Brain Injury

Humanising the approach to brain injury care.

Family Matters

Family and acquired brain injury

Backing up - Its more than data, its memories


Brain Injury Group - Court of Protection Training Day Part Two

Insurance Post Claims Award 2019

Head First Conference Family Matters

Krysalis supports UKABIF at The Speakers House in Parliament

BABICM 2019 Crisis, What Crisis?

Krysalis is the Headfirst 2019 conference Headline sponsors!

Krysalis are CMSUK 2018 Award Winners

VRA Awards Shortlist 2019

RCOT - Pledges for our Profession

ABI Solutions - Close Encounters of the Pain Kind Conference

RCOT - Networking event

Bush and Co - Breaking the pain barrier

CMS UK Awards

CMSUK Innovation & Evidence-Based Practice

Serious injury Case conduct guide

Brain Injury Brought to a Halt by 68-year-old Anaesthetic! 

The New Tool Helping Medical Detectives Track Down Suspected Brain Injury…

Loneliness Among Carers at ‘Epidemic’ Level

2019 Head First Conference

Vitamin D Deficiency and Chronic Fatigue | Krysalis

Brain injury and social skills

Understanding the mental capacity act

Hidden Disability, Hidden Ability

Unpicking the impossible - Neuro OT and complex behaviour following brain injury

Neuro OT - Executive skills and brain injury

Neuro OT review - Recolo Conference

The Rubik’s Cube of Childhood Brain Injury

Tech Matters

Self-awareness after brain injury

Brain injury training day

Tech Matters

Occupational therapy week 2019

Predictors of Long-Term Outcomes after Severe Brain Injury

Covid-19, brain injury and me: a diary of an ABI survivor - Part 4

Brain injury and me: a diary of an ABI survivor - Part two

Covid-19, brain injury and me: a diary of an ABI survivor - Part three

Safe-guarding neuro occupational therapy provision during the coronavirus pandemic. 

Providing neuro occupational therapy as a remote support service during the coronavirus pandemic.

Cash boost to widen the ranks of qualified and student OTs!

Providing neuro occupational therapy as a remote support service during the coronavirus pandemic.

Animal-assisted therapy

How to plan and manage Christmas following brain injury

Introducing Rebecca

Neurological Occupational Therapy - combating the effects of concussion

Human Rights Day in focus - The rights of people with a disability

Road Safety Week 2019 - Prevention is better than cure

Turkey the therapy dog's first day at work

Surviving head trauma - A neuro OT book review

Neuro Occupational Therapy - Keeping Christmas spirits lifted

covid 19 guidance