Krysalis celebrates occupational therapy week 2019

We share knowledge to create enviroments in which individuals can thrive
The months of October and November can be seen by Occupational Therapist's and their connected circle of AHP's as a period of celebration. A period of recognition of the influential role Occupational Therapists play in the day to day lives of individuals affected by disability or illness.
On October the 27th we celebrated 'World OT Day' along with the World Federation of Occupational Therapy (WFOT) who represent the global voice for occupational therapy worldwide. ‘World OT Day’ led into ‘OT week 2019’ from the 4th to the 11th of November, led by the Royal College of Occupational Therapists (RCOT), OTs in the United Kingdom were encouraged to unite as a profession to celebrate our own ‘small change, big impact’.
It was exciting to witness the buzz amongst the OT community over this period with much ‘chatter’ on social media as everyone began to receive their promotional packs including bunting balloons and stickers. We saw cake sales and parties, decorated offices and hospital corridors and many many traybakes and even some OT inspired knitting!
The RCOT OT week campaign was entitled 'small change big impact' and what an impact we had! As a collective group it was great to see the hashtag ‘trending’, to raise awareness of our profession, to get the word out there about what we can achieve and highlight our unified unwavering commitment to the people that we all, as occupational therapists, help every day. It was a great success.
At krysalis we believe in the endless possibilities of people because we believe in the endless posibilities of occupational therapy.
The Krysalis OT80 is launched
Ten days prior to world OT day we took to the skies in our metaphorical balloon. Krysalis launched the inaugural Krysalis OT80, a celebratory list of many things connected to occupational therapy.
Our aim was to celebrate occupational therapy with eighty snippets ranging back to ancient times, through to educators, inspiring figures from our profession from the past to the present day. We celebrated Dr Gary Kielhofner and his model of clinical practice that has grown to become one of the world’s most popular OT models of human behaviour. Welcome to MOHO, learn more about The Model of Human Occupation here.
How right this Roman Philosopher proved to be “The time will come when diligent research over long periods will bring to light things which now lie hidden.” Seneca, Roman Philosopher (c.4BC – AD65).
The Krysalis OT80 list was truly global. We travelled to Australia to meet brain injury researchers and to Japan to meet some fabulous Japanese Occupational Therapists, we even had a brief stop off in Norway where they are calling for consistent standards to ensure vulnerable people are kept safe.
You can read the entire fascinating list here. Number 13 on our list was this lovely quote:
OTs may be only a tiny percentage of the health and care workforce, but they punch well above their weight in terms of their impact on people’s lives. 
Richard Humphries
The finale of the list culminated on World OT day with a countdown of the final ten including an appearence for a very special client of ours called Chris.
Know me, know my story: brain injury survivor Chris’s open and frank account is an inspiration to others and proof of the power of participation and person-centred activities provided through occupational therapy. You can meet Chris here.
The Krysalis OT80 list will be returning in 2020 fully updated, look up those mentioned on the list this year, they have impacted occupational therapy for the better in their own way. You can read their individual stories by following the links or in some cases you can follow their social media feeds and if you fly the OT flag high you may find your own name on the list one day!
With the OT80 in the rear view mirror and a very well celebrated world OT day we looked forward to OT week 2019.
OT week began with a bang
At Krysalis we saw OT week 2019 as another opportunity to showcase the work of our fabulous neurological occupational therapists. With the small change big impact campaign in mind we tried to develop our content to support this.
RCOT Small change big impact wall
The Royal College of Occupational Therapists celebrated OT week with a truly inspired idea. The small changes wall showcased Occupational Therapists that have had a big impact on the people they support. The wall featured over 300 remarkable stories from individual occupational therapists and the impactful changes they make every day.
We were delighted to see our very own Jo Throp featured on the wall with her 'Small changes big impact' story. You can read Jo's story along with many more here:
Neuro OT reflections
We asked our OT's for their reflections on how they best served their clients. Here are some highlights.
Focusing on the folk who matter!
That’s how we celebrated the UK’s 2019 Occupational Therapy Week
During OT week we produced a new three part series featuring Ronny. Stoical self-reliance was stifling Ronny’s life six years after a motorbike accident left him brain injured. He wasn’t one to accept help.
In the three pieces we covered the journey of Ronny and we reflected on the intervention of one of our Specialist Neurological Occupational Therapists. You can read Ronny's story below, it is a true insight into the work of occupational therapists, we are proud of our industry and we really do realise potential and transform lives.
For all these stories live and as they happen follow our various social media channels. Twitter Facebook We are passionate about sharing knowledge to to create enviroments where all individuals can thrive.
Talking Heads
We are passionate about occupational therapy and neurological rehabilitation. ‘Talking heads’ is a means of bringing together individuals and professionals interested in brain injury. The blogs, stories, films, current research and news items aim to inform and spark moments of inspiration, reflections and points of discussion.
Find all these articles by clicking the image below.