Performance and Participation Report
As the process of assessment and intervention continues beyond the Fundamental Activities of Daily Living Assessment, we gain a richer understanding of the individual’s abilities and their engagement with activities.
The Performance and Participation Report template includes the Occupational Therapist's opinion on an individual’s functional abilities, incorporating individual performance skills and, specifically, how activities are motivated, organised and performed. If appropriate, a summary of any functional assessments that have been completed are included to add depth to the report.
We work holistically and think about all the factors, in either a positive or negative way, that influence an individual’s ability to live their life.
The following factors guide the rehabilitation programme and will be considered by the Occupational Therapist.
We all have our own unique personal values and interests that influence our day-to-day lives. These factors are important as they determine how an individual views themselves in relation to their disability, the choices they make and the activities they undertake, or chose not to undertake, on a day-to-day basis.
Our lives are guided by routines and habits that are essential for everyday living. For all of us, routines and habits help us to develop skills and guide our decision-making and life choices. Our habits and routines often feed into the roles we have and, therefore, the perception we have of ourselves.
We are all influenced by our environment. This includes: our physical environment; the space around us, whether this be our home, local community and workplace; and, our social environment, which includes the influence of others in our life.
It is recommended that the Performance and Participation Report is completed at week 12 and then every 12 weeks thereafter to review progress and monitor change. Where required, equipment recommendations will be included.
We recognise that the Fundamental Activities of Daily Living Assessment and the Performance and Participation Report may not be suitable or required for all referrals; for example, individual assessments for seating needs or upper limb rehabilitation programmes would be best met by our Short Report. The type of report required will be discussed at the initial enquiry stage.