I am opposed to the laying down of rules or conditions to be observed in the construction of bridges lest the progress of improvement tomorrow might be embarrassed or shackled by recording or registering as law the prejudices or errors of today. 
- Brunel.
Isambard Kingdom Brunel was described as one of the United Kingdom’s most famous engineers, it was said of him that he had ‘originality of thought and power of execution’. Whilst our occupational therapists don’t build sturdy bridges, we do design effective treatment plans to help you overcome the biggest of obstacles.
Life-changing illness or injury can stop us in our tracks and it is often hard to navigate a way forward. Making that journey with an expert guide at your side makes the destination more certain. We focus on what matters to you and help to overcome the barriers that may hinder your abilities to achieve your goals. Just like Brunel, we have the expert skills and bold plans to help you realise your potential.
Private neurological occupational therapy services covering the Bristol area including Bath and north-east Somerset
An accident or illness can impact significantly on our ability to complete the daily activities we take for granted. At Krysalis, we combine our expert knowledge of catastrophic and serious injury, including brain injury, spinal injury and neurological conditions, with innovative ways of working.
Our assessment and review process is undertaken by highly skilled neurological occupational therapists. Our clinical team consists of experienced and knowledgeable clinicians who are located throughout the United Kingdom. They are experts in the field of neurological rehabilitation.
Our occupational therapy services are designed to ensure that clinical intervention is comprehensive and effective.
Services are provided to individuals who self-refer, NHS commissioners, charities, insurance providers and medico-legal professionals. Our skilled team, based in the greater Bristol area provide services throughout the county including Chippenham, Bath and Weston-super-Mare.
If you are looking for a neurological occupational therapist in the greater Bristol area including the city of Bristol, Bath, Somerset or the surrounding areas please contact us to discuss your needs. Our team is friendly and approachable and are dedicated to ensuring that all enquiries and referrals are processed efficiently.