Brain Injury News in Short

Welcome to our news in short page where we will bring you all the latest news related to brain injury. We have condensed each article into a few brief lines and included links for those of you who would like to dig deeper into any subject. Remember to come back regularly or bookmark our newsfeed so you dont miss out.
We also have more in depth articles and blogs on our Talking Heads page which can be found here. We are passionate about occupational therapy and neurological rehabilitation. ‘Talking heads’ is a means of bringing together individuals and professionals interested in brain injury. The blogs, stories, films, current research and news items aim to inform and spark moments of inspiration, reflections and points of discussion.
OT - A cost effective frontline response!
If you could save money and improve people’s lives at the same time, why wouldn’t you? Evidence is mounting, both clinically and financially, of the impact of Occupational Therapy as a cost-effective, frontline response to brain injury and other conditions. But with “the crisis” in social care and lack of Government funding, the RCOT is now warning: “People in need don’t have time to wait.” Read more about the RCOT’s research campaign, Improving Lives, Saving Money, here
New test is proving ‘helpful’ in detecting delirium in traumatic brain injury
Using a new, shorter test for delirium, which is common in traumatic brain injury (TBI) survivors and older, hospitalised patients, can improve detection of the condition.
A study funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), found the 4As test a ‘helpful’ alternative to more prolonged assessments in time-pressured environments.
Up to two thirds of TBI survivors develop agitation and delirium (acute mental confusion), both of which are linked to long term cognitive impairments and increased disability.
The 4As test considers Alertness (or Arousal), Attention, and Acute change, and includes an Abbreviated mental test.
Current guidance makes no specific recommendations on how best to assess delirium. Healthcare professionals are simply advised to look out for any behavioural or cognitive changes in patients.
‘Going the Distance: Journey of Recovery’
A one-hour US documentary charting the experiences of four survivors of traumatic brain injury, is continuing to attract international film awards. Find out why here.