Krysalis is the Headfirst 2019 conference Headline sponsors!

Krysalis Consultancy is delighted to announce its sponsorship of the UK’s 2019 Head First Conference, with the focus this year on the needs of families following brain injury.
Our own Jo Throp, Krysalis’s Clinical Director and neuro OT, will be launching the event in London with a welcome speech underlining the importance of families in the aftermath of a brain injury and, in turn, the vital role professionals play in supporting everyone affected.
“As professionals working within this specialist field, it is essential that we are cognisant of the needs of family members and their ‘lived experience’ of surviving and growing after brain injury,” Jo will tell the Family Matters conference at The Leonardo Royal Hotel London Tower Bridge.
“I believe we all have a duty to give people affected by brain injury a voice, and ultimately our aim should be to work in partnership with families to better understand their needs.”
Providing opportunities for individuals affected by brain injury to have a voice was the inspiration behind Krysalis’s on-going project ‘Talking Heads’. The project highlights the thoughts and experiences of our clients and their family members of living after brain injury. It also includes clinical views, news and evidence-based reviews to promote an awareness and conversations relating to brain injury and neuro OT on social media.
Similarly, the conference aims to give delegates a greater appreciation of the reality of family experience by:
- examining the impact of trauma, stress, ambiguous loss of brain injury (when there’s no closure or understanding), emotional overload and burden of care on family members;
- detailing how research linked to practice can help families cope in everyday life with brain injury;
- showing how services can enhance family resilience and adjustment over time;
- widening their understanding of the role of the expert companion;
- enabling them to reflect on how their own knowledge, experience and expectations can affect interactions with family members.
Speakers from across the UK will include: Dr Mark Holloway of conference host, Head First; Dr Charlotte Whiffin, senior nursing lecturer at Derby University; Dr Giles Yeates, Principal Clinical Neuropsychologist at Buckinghamshire Healthcare; and Toby Hales, Head of Family Law at London’s Irwin Mitchell.
Performance poet, Kate Tym will also be talking about her project with stroke survivors whose words she’s put into poems.
The conference has been organised by ABI Solutions, event providers within the brain injury sector. For further details, or to book a place, contact Jason Shelley on 02087 632963 or email
We look forward to seeing you there!
Further information is available here on the Headfirst website