Head First Conference Family Matters

Head First Conference
Family Matters – Understanding and Addressing Family Needs
after Acquired Brain Injury
Thursday 16 May 2019 at Tower Bridge Royal Hotel, London.
We were delighted to be the headline sponsor at the recent Head First conference in Londons Tower Bridge Royal Hotel. The focus of the day was Family Matters. The event gave us all the opportunity to reflect on and learn about the challenges faced by families and how to better support their needs following acquired brain injury.
We had an enjoyable day and it was great to see our fellow exhibitors as well as some new and familiar faces.
We are delighted to announce that the winner of the iPad was…
Nicki Davis
of North Star Case Management
A big thank you to Nicki and all of you who took the time to visit our stand to say hello and to discuss specialist Neuro Occupational Therapy. We hope to see you all again soon.