Neuro OT exchange summer edition

Making gains on behalf of the neuro community is what the Summer 2022 edition of the Krysalis Neuro OT Exchange is all about!
Read on for more, including:
- Our work with our new partner, GAIN (Group for Autism, Insurance, Investment and Neurodiversity);
- Tech accessibility gains in our new series for neuro-diverse and disabled folks;
- Slight weight gain (!) at Krysalis HQ thanks to 10 irresistible international picnic recipes on Global Brain Injury Awareness Day…
- And links to much more!
Our neuro OT net has widened again as we welcome GAIN - Group for Autism, Insurance, Investment and Neurodiversity as our newest partner.
We linked with multi-award-winning insurers Guardian earlier this year to provide bespoke support for critical illness claimants with neurological diagnoses.
And now, we are injecting our expertise into community-interest-company GAIN's mission to promote and support neurodiversity within the insurance, investment, and related financial services sectors. Find out more about this below…
In a separate summer initiative, we're making the neuro community's access to technology another priority with the launch of our new tech access series.
The series starts with the recent pairing between the UK's OTs and Microsoft's global accessibility chief, Hector Minto, and features an impartial, easy-read guide to dozens of the latest accessibility options offered by Windows 11.
We will be looking at other tech manufacturers in future but for now, you can take a tour of Hector's 'house' here:
Microsoft's Hector Minto seeks OTs' help in technology accessibility (
I believe our combined commitment to neurodiversity will make a positive difference for all. 
Jo Throp.
Neurodiversity is often the forgotten missing link in promoting and recruiting a diverse workforce, but GAIN ( Group for Autism, Insurance, Investment and Neurodiversity) aims to change all that.
Find out here how we are using our occupational therapy, vocational rehabilitation, and sensory integration expertise to support them:
GAIN - Group for Autism, Insurance, Investment and Neurodiversity (
We all know there is a need for change. Every person affected or working in the [neurorehabilitation] field wants the opportunity to talk about this. 
Anne Ricketts, GBIA INC
What better than a universal picnic to talk about changing things for the better for the estimated 69 million people worldwide who suffer a brain injury every year?
Over ten worldwide regions took part in the Global Picnic organised by brain injury support group, GBIA INC and their UK founder (and Krysalis blogger) Anne Ricketts in July.
And to mark the mass munch, we sourced ten international food and drinks recipes to add pep to anyone's picnic…which you can enjoy too, if you wish, here:
For details of lots of occupational therapy, brain injury and neurorehabilitation events happening this summer, head over here: What's On August 2022
Award-winning OT services
We have a growing team of highly skilled neurological occupational therapists. Our team allows us to offer a comprehensive and consistent service across the whole of the UK.
We combine our expert knowledge and expertise with innovative treatment approaches. We empower individuals to have a voice, ensuring they are not defined by their diagnosis but are able to realise their potential.
We share our collective wisdom to influence and educate people and professionals working in the field of neurological rehabilitation.
This month, we welcome new team members in Nottinghamshire, Dorset and Hampshire!
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