What’s On in 2023 - updated!
This content was updated on 17th of July 2023
Our yearly guide to the key events in occupational therapy, brain injury and neurorehabilitation with links to Talking Heads articles and organisations offering advice.
Please let us know if you would like us to consider adding your upcoming event to our listings!
You can jump to a month here:
12th - The Stroke Association’s Stroke Prevention Day
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2nd - MIND and other mental health groups: Time To Talk Day 2023
3rd - 4th - National specialist event, The Alzheimer's, Dementia & Care Show
6th - One of many fundraisers for The Children’s Trust: The Children's Trust Comedy Night
28th - Rare disease organisations globally host Rare Disease Day 2023
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@rarediseaseday @Childrens_Trust @TimetoChange
All month: Supporting people with multiple sclerosis, MS-UK hosts: Big Purple Dog Walk - MS-UK
All month – Supporting stroke survivors, the Stroke Association hosts: March for Stroke
13th - 19th – Neurodiversity Celebration Week: Neurodiversity Celebration Week (neurodiversityweek.com)
13th - 19th – Developments in eating and drinking: Nutrition and Hydration Week
17th - The World Sleep Society raises global awareness of sleep health on: World Sleep Day
22nd/23rd March: 26th - National show for people with ability challenges: Naidex
22nd/23rd - Neurorehabilitation conference: Neuro Convention
26th - Epilepsy awareness and fundraising by the Epilepsy Society on Purple Day
26th – 2nd April - In World Autism Acceptance Week 2023, the UK’s Autism Initiatives Groups hosts: Walk for Autism 2023
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@braintumourrsch @epilepsysociety @_WorldSleep @ROARb2b @NeuroConvention @NHWeek @WeWalkForAutism @MSUK6 @NCWeek @Autism
All month – Celebrating therapy pets too: National Pet Month
7th – The World Health Organisation heads: World Health Day
11th – World Parkinson’s Day: Parkinson’s Care and Support UK and other charities mark: World Parkinson’s Day 2023
24th – 30th: Supporting UK people with multiple sclerosis (MS): MS Awareness Week 2023 | MS Society
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@ParkinsonsUK @NatPetMonthUK @mssocietyuk #WorldHealthDay
All month - Huntington's Disease Association supports Huntington's disease awareness month
All month: In support of brain injury survivors, The Silverlining Charity hosts: A Mile a Day in May - Registration | Eventbrite
15th - 21st - The Alzheimer’s Society’s flagship event: Dementia Action Week
15th - 21st - Mental Health UK and others: Mental Health Awareness Week
15th - 21st - Brain injury charity, Headway’s Action for Brain Injury Week and Hats for Headway Day: Headway news
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@HeadwayUK @HDA_tweeting @mentalhealthuk @alzheimerssoc @SilverTweeters
14th/15th – Royal College of Occupational Therapists Annual Conference: Events - RCOT
6th/7th - British Association of Brain Injury & Complex Case Management: BABICM Annual Conference
5th 11th Thousands of organisations support Carers Week
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@BABICMorg @carersweek @theRCOT
12th - The national Care and Occupational Therapy Show: COTS
All month: National fundraiser for Parkinson’s Disease: Walk for Parkinson's | Parkinson's UK
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All month - Supporting people bereaved or injured by road crashes: National Road Victim Month - RoadPeace
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All month – Dystonia Awareness Month: Dystonia Awareness Month
All month: The charity Dementia UK and others mark: World Alzheimer's Month - Dementia UK
(Date TBC) - Highlighting inclusion and diversity in the insurance workplace: Dive In Festival
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@DiveInFest @DystoniaUK
2nd - 8th October - The British Dyslexia Association: Dyslexia Awareness Week 2023
14th - Celebrating all 14 allied healthcare professions (AHPs): NHS England: AHPs’ Day
10th - The Mental Health Foundation among many supports: World Mental Health Day
27th – Occupational therapists globally unite for: World Occupational Therapy Day
29th – Younger stroke survivor charity, Different Strokes and many other groups mark: World Stroke Day 2022 | Different Strokes
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@BDAdyslexia @thewfot @TheStrokeAssoc #AHPsDay @WMHDay
6th – 13th - Occupational Therapy Week: News and events - Royal College of Occupational Therapy (RCOT)
19th - 26th: Charity, Brake’s annual road safety campaign: Road Safety Week
(Date TBC) - Marking the achievements of people with complex disabilities: The Sense Awards - Sense
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@sensecharity @Brakecharity @theRCOT
3rd - International Day of People with Disabilities - International Day of People with Disabilities
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Further information
Brain and Spine Foundation events and info: Brain & Spine Foundation
Brain Injury Group training events: Training events - BIG
Brain Tumour Research: Wear A Hat Day and other events
Child Brain Injury Trust fundraisers: Events - Child Brain Injury Trust
Institute of Registered Case Managers: Events - IRCM
Motability Show venues: Motability Scheme events
National Centre of Rehabilitation Education (NCORE) events: NCORE
Neurological Alliance events and info: The Neurological Alliance
Spinal Injuries Association - Events - SIA
Sue Ryder’s palliative, neurological and bereavement activities: Events - Sue Ryder
UK Acquired Brain Injury Forum and its regional groups: Calendar - UKABIF
Vocational Rehabilitation Association training and events: Events - VRA
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@IRCaseManagers @MotabilityOps @spinalinjuries @NCORE_NHS @Sue_Ryder @braininjurygrp @UKABIF @UKVRA @brainspine @braintumourrsch @NeuroAlliance @cbituk
Talking heads
We are passionate about occupational therapy and neurological rehabilitation. ‘Talking heads’ is a means of bringing together individuals and professionals interested in brain injury. The blogs, stories, films, current research and news items aim to inform and spark moments of inspiration, reflections and points of discussion.