Fresh Thinking

We are passionate about neurological rehabilitation, our resources page has been designed to help us share our collective wisdom to influence and educate people and to spark moments of inspiration and points of discussion.

If you are interested in, or have been affected by brain injury, if you love occupational therapy or anything neurological you are very welcome… come on in and join us!

Covid19 and the Brain - A Krysalis Research Review

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Covid19 and the Brain - A Krysalis Research Review
Covid research from across the globe. A must read for all neuro professionals - we break the research down into a easy read format.

Treating yourself with compassion. Self care part 2

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Treating yourself with compassion. Self care part 2
Goals, compassion, and self-care activities within Neurological Occupational Therapy 


Written by Claire Shipton Posted in Blog

Neuroplasticity: How our amazing brains can change and rewire themselves! Even after horrific injuries all is not lost, from a coma to a genius iq...

The value of reflections

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The value of reflections
Reflection is a continuing process that allows a person to consider, possibly alongside previous experience, both the potential or actual positive and negative outcomes relating to events, activities, or interactions.

Covid-19, brain injury and me: diary of an ABI survivor – Part 10

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Covid-19, brain injury and me: diary of an ABI survivor – Part 10
Everyone is currently learning more about their ability to adjust, be flexible and altruistic, this is also a good time to appreciate more about what living with a brain injury means.

Video gaming could stimulate six of the brains cognitive functions and provide a timely tool for neurological occupational therapists

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Video gaming could stimulate six of the brains cognitive functions and provide a timely tool for neurological occupational therapists
A new report suggests video gaming could be a means to enhance six key brain functions.

RCOT publish: Retaining the essence of occupation remotely.

Posted in News, Blog

RCOT publish: Retaining the essence of occupation remotely.
This article, written by our clinical director and one of our clinical managers is published in the June edition of the RCOT’s magazine, OT News.

What the experts say - stress and anxiety advice for brain injury survivors during the Covid-19 pandemic

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What the experts say - stress and anxiety advice for brain injury survivors during the Covid-19 pandemic
If there was just one thing leading acquired brain injury advisers would recommend to tackle stress and anxiety, what it would it be? Here are their top tips and honest insights:

Covid-19, brain injury and me: diary of an ABI survivor - Part five

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Covid-19, brain injury and me: diary of an ABI survivor - Part five
I don’t think any of us would previously have considered that it would take a pandemic to help people understand what it is like to live with hidden disabilities

Covid-19, brain injury and me: diary of an ABI survivor - Part Six

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Covid-19, brain injury and me: diary of an ABI survivor - Part Six
Since I came off a huge horse and suffered a severe traumatic brain injury twenty years ago, I have lived in my own little world and, in truth, it hadn't occurred to me before to pay attention to my human needs to connect.

Brain injury survivor launches face shield appeal for NHS

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Brain injury survivor, Demelza Fry is leading an urgent face shield appeal to protect frontline medical and care workers against the onslaught of Covid-19.

The best ways to help isolated brain injury survivors use video calling during the Covid-19 pandemic

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The best ways to help isolated brain injury survivors use video calling during the Covid-19 pandemic
Video calling is helping us to cope through Covid-19 isolation but what about the millions of UK residents - brain injury survivors among them – who can’t use it?

Six ways to help someone with a brain injury stop touching their face during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Six ways to help someone with a brain injury stop touching their face during the Covid-19 pandemic.
It seems humans can’t help unwittingly touching their faces, particularly the areas around the mouth, nose and eyes. But that puts us at particular risk of infecting ourselves with viruses, like Covid-19, and bacteria from the surfaces with which our han

Covid 19, brain injury and me: diary of an ABI survivor - Part one

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Covid 19, brain injury and me: diary of an ABI survivor - Part one
It is uncertain times for our brave brain injury blogger, Anne Ricketts as each new day dawns in the coronavirus pandemic.

The WFOT warns of an upcoming surge in demand for rehabilitation services

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The WFOT warns of an upcoming surge in demand for rehabilitation services
The World Federation of Occupational Therapy (WFOT) is warning of a demand surge for rehabilitation services for Covid-19 survivors.
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